A classic structure for a narrative film is the ‘three act’ structure. The first act establishes the story: characters are introduced, the setting is established, and the events of the film will be set in motion. It can be noticed clearly when the first act of a film ends as it’s generally when the protagonist has their motivation, which is what keeps the story moving and viewers interested.
The second act will develop the plot further and l introduce some complications to build the story. The second acts purpose is to build up to the films climax. The second act will generally end with a major event, a conflict of some sort or just a significant problem to be overcome.
The third act is all about the resolution of the narrative. The protagonist will overcome the conflict of the second act and will generally come out better off than they were before. Having tied up all storylines, the story resolved and the film can end leaving a viewer satisfied.
“How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days”(David Petrie, 2003) along with most hollywood romantic comedies, can be used to illustrate this structure. The first act sees the audience introduced to Andie, a successful woman’s magazine columnist who is inspired by a friends break up to write an article, the title of which is that of the films. Her love interest, Ben, is then introduced to the audience, he has been challenged by potential employers to prove he can make any girl fall in love with him in ten days, if he is successful he’ll receive a huge promotion. Now both characters have motivation, they then meet which leads us into act two.
As the two begin to date, complication arises as they both begin to genuinely fall for one another. The audience is aware this will cause conflict as they know the pair are manipulating one another. The second act draws to a close on the all important tenth day of their relationship, where it is revealed to both Andie and Ben the other has been lying to them and they consequently break up.
The third act begins with the couple depressed over their recent split, which has lead to Andie deciding to move to another city. The story is resolved by Ben realising they were both in the wrong but still wish to be together, he follows her to the airport and they are reunited, thus the story is resolved at the end of act three.