Unlecture Week 9 Word Vom

Hubs as cities, why/how have they become so dynamic in the system?

Creative hubs, Austin, TX. City of Melbs tries to invent itself as a creative hub/city. Melbourne vs. Sydney vis vis social/cultural capital.

2 types of networks

Centralised- Hierachical. Traditional/heritage media. Fixed.

Non Centralised/scale free/distributed. Like the internet which has no limit. Media and creative practice must move on to this system and it has.

Hubs- defined by how many connections in and out. Immediate friends do not get you jobs, acquaintances do, power of peripheral connections. People seem to know everybody, not quality friendships but acquaintances however they are a hub/centre defined by these connections.

Nothing virtual about the internet, Google’s power farm runs on more power than the city of Melbourne. It’s infrastructure is based in the physical.

Spamming is a gigantic carbon footprint.

Parts of the world a leapfrogging the infrastructure problem by going straight to wireless technology- third world countries.

Positioning audiences to disrespect mainstream content so its more disposable. Metaphors in Katy Perry song can be quite broad. One Direction: You don’t know you’re beautiful- using certain tropes and conventions in order to appeal to mainstream, not niche groups.

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