On watershed moments: Un-lecture reflection

I am probably one of the few people in this subject who actually is lovin it, however this has meant unlectures have been a mildly excruciating experience for me.

I am one of the converted, but I’m still being preached to, albeit in an articulate and engaging way. I’m sitting there when even the lecturer has stated I could be somewhere else. This is very true, I could be

1. Getting a good power brow done

2. Making money

3. Interning

4. Eating copious amounts of Hanaichi

5. And spending time with friends and fam of course!

BUT I’m here making the active choice I no longer need to make as someone mature enough to buy a good Yarra Valley Moscato/go to war.

Adrian is preaching to the choir and I am one of the most enthusiastic choristers. I love the idea of blogging, making links between things, setting people’s agendas to something they might never have thought about (who cares if it’s stupid gifs). I am not in denial about the fact that this course has been controversial, but I’m going to be a bit selfish and just say that I’d love for things to move on.

You have 200 bright, young things yet to find where their niche in an industry which isn’t super sensitive to dainty new comers like us. Can we use this physical opportunity to have a discussion about what it is that we love or are interested in? Can we use this subject to FIND stuff to love and be interested in for perhaps the rest of our lives?

Use this subject to create watershed moments for future media professionals! If people have a problem with Networked Media, that’s fine, I get that… but in the immortal words of Adam ‘The Man” DeMamp….

Loljks I don’t hate you. Just open your mind or at least pretend to and lectures will stop being the way they are :).

Do this, and this subject will follow the movement of Napolean’s hands for you



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