Research Questions and Planning


I want to have a lot of focus on my test shoots as actual ways of still experimenting with the way I want my framing and aesthetics to look. I think my test shoots will end up quite different from my final shoots however they will give me a good idea of what I like and do not like within the space I’ve filmed in. I plan to conduct test shoots in the next week or so to understand what conditions and what not ill be filming within. Ill have to borrow the RMIT cameras, probably the EX3 as I don’t have a camera of my own to use. This has already proved to be more difficult as I have to travel to and from uni with massive equipment. I also want to borrow sounds equipment, preferably lapel mics as I want to control most of the shoot myself (i.e. have almost no crew).

My next step in Week 9 test shoots, where ill tie up loose ends and conduct my last few experiments in filming and editing before week 10 where i’ll film my first scene properly. I will definitely be focusing on the direction of my actors and working them within the spaces and locations I have sourced. I will take time to choose costume and focus on the aesthetics of the shots.

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