After Thoughts on Week 7 Presentation

I found it really great being able to run through my thoughts and ideas during the week 7 presentations. I found it valuable to vocalise my ideas and make them more concrete through the feedback from MarkĀ and Liam. I realised that my scenes are being formed around the action of ‘being on a phone’ and this being the central theme to the 4 different shots. I’ve begun to think that they are the defining feature of each scene and want to focus more on how I can creatively shoot a character on their phone and how to make that interesting. I want to use the phone light as a main source of lighting in one or two of the scenes (as they will be night shoots) as well as using available light as the fill lighting. I want to add too my hypothesis by asking ‘How can i make the action of being on a phone more interesting?’.

I was also asked how long each scene will be in duration. I am estimating about 1 minute scenes that I will decide to either cut together as one whole piece or separate into 4 different scenes. This will comes down to whether I think they interesting enough on their own or whether they feel like a completed piece together.

I also realised through speaking about my project, how important the production design of these scenes will be. I want to dress each location in the most realistic way possible but also styled to suit the character within the shot. This includes costuming too. I think I will start creating costume plans and possible prop charts for each scene.

Overall I found this presentation really helpful in consolidating my ideas!

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