Week 7 Presentation

3 or 4 different scenes that have no story arc or narrative but that highlight the ideas and experiments i have been investigating thus far. Each scene will comprise of a person on their phone, or interacting with their phone in some way, and how they also interact with the environment they are in. I have been trying to find locations that excite and interest me. Some more simple, others that have more within the locations. My four locations are: 1. An area behind Hammer Hall in the city, on a balcony area and a door that is on this balcony. 2. A small, simple style bathroom. 3. An empty room i.e. no furniture. 4. A fully dressed and homey looking bedroom.

I’ve chosen two actors that i feel can deliver a natural and suited performance. Sean and Pippa, they are able to deliver the simple action that I’ve devised and will hopefully be able to help in the creation of a beautiful scene. I’d like to dress them in a costume of a neutral palette, and for the scene on the balcony, in a workplace uniform.

My aim in this project is to create a relationship between character, action and location. There will be minimal dialogue but investigate into working out how to frame and block a scene, to create beauty and cohesion. I want to emphasise the ways in which a character becomes a part of the location and the location becomes a part of the character, in this way I’d like to dress the character in a way that suits their environment (not necessarily matches but looks like the fit in with the location they are placed). I want to focus on the aesthetics of the shot, from costuming to framing. Im not sure exactly how these small scenes will relate to each other, but that doesn’t bother me as my focus is to create well constructed scenes

  1. Hammer Hall

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Scan 5

  1. Bathroom

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Scan 4

3. Empty Room


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Scan 4 copy

4.  Bedroom

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Scan 3


I’ve discovered in my investigations so far that I really like capturing people and character, I’ve had fewer attachments to landscape, however I feel like I love to see character interact within their environment and within a location. Therefore in this project I will be capturing four different scenes that all involve the same two people. Firstly Sean, he is a really usual looking person and I feel like he delivers a really natural performance. The second person I’d like to capture is my cousin Pippa who I’m also confident can produce a really natural performance. I want to direct four scenes that can represent different characters and their experience within an environment. My aim is to create aesthetically interesting scene that make character and location part of the same entity.

I’ve been influenced by a few scenes in films, from HOWL to Tiny furniture that all aim to capture a scene in a smaller environment and a closer frame. I also want to have a combination of steady hand held camera and tripod. Ill try some scenes hand held and other on the tripod. My aim will be to present the location tight and well constructed visuals. I want to see the character interact with their location while also being lost in a most on their phone. So the action that will carry through each of these scenes is that they are always interacting with a phone. I’ve chosen this action as I think it creates reason for them within a shot, it feels natural and everyday.

I’ve been trying to source as many interesting locations as I can in my investigations. The first scene has been chosen as I found a really interesting location. I went behind Hammer Hall in the CBD and found a balcony area that looks onto the city. I don’t necessarily want to capture the city but I want to capture a character that sits amongst this building and the city. The character will be on their phone and unaware. I want to capture a really beautiful scene that could be place somewhere in a short film. The scene will deliberately have no dialogue. I’d like to capture this at night as to defuse any lighting issues with the very apparent sun. Also I think the mood of the scene suits a night location. I will also try and dress the character in a way that suits their environment in this case they will be dressed in a work uniform.

The second scene will be an empty bedroom. I’ve found the house of a friend that is completely free of any furniture, as they are moving house and I thought this would be a really interesting area to capture. Again I will have the actor placed in this environment on their phone, however this time they will be having a conversation to someone we don’t know.

The third scene will be Sean in his bedroom, I wanted to capture a character within an environment they are really comfortable in, and shoot a scene that characterises them. He will appear on his phone and I will capture certain elements in his room and Sean sitting amongst his belongings.

The final scene will be in the crappy bathroom of my house, and because of the windows in the bathroom I think it would be nicer to film at night. The lighting in the bathroom is yellow light, so I might need to get some white lights to defuse this. But I like the grossness and crappiness of this bathroom with static like feel so hopefully this is realised through the shoot. I want these four locations to be varied and highlight different moments. This scene will be most similar to that of which I’ve experimented with. The character will be on their phone.

I think I want to create story in these scenes, without much dialogue and without any context at all. And I think this can be investigated and highlighted though the acting, the blocking within the location and basically the character within their environment.

I want to pretty much shoot the location in the most varied way possible and edit it down to a complete scene. There won’t be a lot of action but more action in the way the camera moves around the environment. The camera will mostly be stationary however, not many panning or tracking shots, I want to keep them to a minimum. Ill compact these four scenes and put them along side each other to see what kind of story, if any I have created. The point of my project is mainly to create beautiful and interesting shots, less so about the story, but maybe moments within a longer narrative.

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