I watched Howl for the first time the other night for my other class Textual Crossings: Literary Adaptations. I was first turned off by the cover due to my disliking of James Franco but became included by the way the film was shot. What I noticed was the stylistic decisions made by directors Rob Epstein and Jeffrey Friedman and the way in which the interview scenes were filmed. The shots were moving all over the place, from side to side, to the front to above the characters head. I thought the mise-en-scene was stunning and the small room gave an intimacy to the interview. I loved that Franco’s character (Ginsberg) suited the space he was in, the location and his character was so similar and as I’ve mentioned quite a few times, it places a lot of emphasis on the location becoming and intwined as a character itself.
I’d really like to start searching for more interesting locations. I don’t particularly enjoy filming outside due to a lot of natural light issues, however night shoots could change that. I’ve found a few small interior locations such as a bathroom and a public bathroom that both seem interesting. Not sure how I could use these but I would like to start being more aware of what kind of locations I like and dislike.