Initiative Post: Tiny Furniture and Bathrooms

I was re-watching Tiny Furniture the other day and  noticed how beautifully the film had been shot. The slow pace of the film was made enjoyable by the beautiful visuals and the framing of each shot. This particular bathroom scene was interesting to me as it reminded me of how I tried to capture my own bathroom shoot. I first of all think the actual bathroom we see here in tiny furniture is really aesthetically beautiful, the blue tiles in contrast to the two characters are stunning. But what I like most is the simplicity of the amount of “stuff” in the shot, it isn’t overcrowded.  We can only see the top of the shoulders and head of these two girls and an emphasis is placed on the walls and the location of the space. Not only to hide the nudity of the characters but I feel like these two actor become a part of the space, the bathroom creates something interesting in the scene. We need to know they are in the bathroom, it focuses on the intimacy these two girls have and as an audience it is important to recognise that they are in a bathroom.

(from 1.37: bathroom scene)

Mainly I just love the naturalism to this scene and I have an obsession with scenes in bathrooms. Maybe because it always feels slightly scummy but also very real. I think this would be something I’d like to re-shoot and try to perfect, the bathroom shoot.

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