Interior Shoot


This location was perfect for shooting in, as it was quite and lit in beautiful way. I found myself drawn to a smaller location and I think there something really interesting in the emptiness of a bathroom. I directed Annick to sit and read from her phone and captured isolating images of her within this small yet open space. The dark walls and reflecting lights gave it an static/ambient aesthetic and didn’t require much alteration in post. The space forced me to be more creative in terms of angels and how to work in the space. I found myself draw to the different facilities and how they sat in the environment. Shooting in a mirror proved interesting, but I think it worked well in a bathroom setting as it helped reflect the emptiness of the small space.

In terms out sound, the space had a lot of echo and so I’ve cut the original sound and overlayed a buzzing sound and differing sound effects. It was also by chance but I thin Annick’s clothing matches the environment and blends her in, in a way that is aesthetically pleasing. I like that she doesn’t seem to stand out, but almost become apart of the space.

The thing I like most about this is watching a person interact with their environment. I’m slowly realising that I love location and character and seeing how these work together.

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