“Editing is deliberately breaking things. Breaking things to create meaning” Liam Ward explains the importance in what editing does. Liam expresses the significance of editing to create art in film. The less obvious the meaning behind the juxtapositon of two images, the more the audience need to work at in finding a meaning or connection. This can be viewed as having higher complexities and having a higher quality, it forces the viewers to draw from their own knowledge and experiences and link them to the ideas of the film. The art of editing is so intricate and precise, its something i really look forward to perfecting and learning about. Ward contradicted the idea that editing’s purpose is just to fix what went wrong in filming, as it is an art form in itself and can illuminate the message behind a film or tv series. I think that the entire narrative of a film can be easily changed when taken to the editing suite. The exercise we did in our lectorial stressed this, as we used short ‘moveable’ situations (e.g i drank a cup of coffee, I tripped on the curb, I skyped my parents) and alined them with ‘turning points’ (e.g a bomb went off in the city or a crashed my car into another car). Each time we arranged these parts in different sequences, entirely knew meaning was made. This in essence was quite obvious, but it was something that we needed to be reminded of in the form of creating media. I feel really passionate about editing and i know that editing can be used in a highly skilled way especially to create comedy. I’ve been apart of a group that creates sketch comedy and often comic timing can only be mastered in the editing stages. Their have been many times when the editing wins over an audience, and an actors abilities are defined or heightened through these editing techniques.