Copyright, honestly is something i never think of, ever! Listening to Anne Lennox, (Senior Coordinator Copyright Management + Digital: University Library) speak last week was an eyeopener in terms of working in media in a professional sense. Its hard to draw the line between being inspired by something or someone, and actually using someone else’s work. Appropriation is an amazing thing that lets artists change and make something there own, but destroying the reputation and meaning of a piece through breaching copyright, can easily overlap in some cases. Everything i’ve ever written or made in some way has been heavily influenced by someone i know or am in awe of, its hard sometimes to make the distinction between copying and appropriating or being inspired by. The example of ‘Men at Work’ being sued because of copyright breach in terms of basingĀ a small part of the ‘Kookaburra’ song in ‘Down Under’ is a sad look at copyright being over amplified, in my opinion. Could this not be considered a use of appropriation, using something in a difference context and applying unique differences. I agree that an artist shouldn’t morally or ethically deface or embellish someone else’s work, however in instances like this the ‘Kookaburra’ song was used as a tribute and used in a respectful way. I believe whole heartedly in copyright laws and the introduction of automatic copyright laws in Australia, however sometimes, unfortunately maybe it can go too far?