#27 wiki/niki/whatever


That is the new group subject for the niki page and obviously it means we are going to write out a script for Big Brother using the various social networks that are converged together. I even wrote profiles for a few of them:


This little biddy is a global sensation bouncing on to the scene since 2010. Blonde, model and wild partier who likes to share with the world. Through her filtered eyes, there is never an ugly picture. Popular with celebrities, emos, hipsters and every other IPhone user. She may be an only child but selfish? No, she has strong connections with other housemates like Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr. Her vintage like style inspired by Polaroid’s makes anything look cool. Don’t let the pretty face fool you, she’s a feisty competitor and up against Vine to get the Video Crown.


 Stand back, new kid on the block has arrived, his name is Vine a comedian by trade with rockstar confidence. Vine loves the limelight, with his lively attitude he’s been waiting for his 7 seconds of fame. He’s looking to win it all using Twitter as a connection to climb up the ranks. Whether this connection is just friendship or something more, Vine is definitely one to keep an eye on.


This non-stop chatter box loves to party, she may have been around since 2006, but her age has not defied her, if anything it has improved her skills in the social networking game. She’s a social butterfly and has seemed to make some strong connections in the house. However, there is a battle between Twitter and Facebook for the top spot, maybe it has something to do with the recent convergence between Facebook and Vine? Twitter needs to watch out for that one!