#57 Response to reading (Week 5)

This reading was short, therefore had my attention. (Well at least the reading I chose)

Lists in literature “refuse the connecting powers of language“(40)

I often write shopping or to do lists on a daily basis in shorthand, confusing to someone who is unaware of the context

In saying that there is a “problem with lists” (40) I do feel as though someone is looking into lists being something more than they are, intact this person must have a pretty mundane life if they are analysing lists in the first place.

I was more interested with how it made me think about why and what we name things, like “lighthouse” which is rather literal but it made me play the name game with every object in my house.

Bogost, Ian. Alien Phenomenology, or What It’s Like to Be a Thing. Minneapolis: University Press of Minnesota, 2012. Print. (PDF)


#55 Response To Reading (Week 4)

For this weeks reading I had to dig deep into the abyss to find my long lost lover, Film Art: An Introduction by the ever so square Bordwell and Thompson.

After blowing off the dust and settling in to a comfortable position, I braced myself with what was to come.

Here is what I want to talk about:

Narrative- “considered a chain of events linked by cause and effect and occurring in time and space” in general it is the story behind a film. Narrative can be linear or not, I mean lets think about Christopher Nolan’s Memento (2000) because that is definitely non-linear.

Most things tell stories, even our own lives a basically set as a narrative blah blah blah (so deep).

Documentaries- this supposed “truth” cinema, that present a “real” issue and seem unscripted and edited to give this sense of reality/real time. Documentaries have narratives I suppose, they tall a story, they inform through a sequence of events, cause and effect and all that.

Experimental films are fantastic. Watching them last year in Cinema Studies was a treat, they were all so weird and abstract. The shots were beautiful and there always seemed to be this focus on timing and patterns as opposed to telling a story or having “meaning”. They are simply “avant-garde”  and if I say so myself, trés bien.


#49 Give it a rest Courtney

Pedestrain.tv posted a humorous article on Courtney Love’s attempt to decode the MH370 missing plane. The article read:

“I’m no expert but” is usually how every logically-sound and highly-persuasive argument begins, so it’s good to see noted aviation enthusiast and search and rescue coordinator Courtney Lovefollowing the correct procedures and prefacing the submission of her artfully illustrated evidence into the whereabouts of missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 correctly.
I’m no expert but, no.




Hole is done, Courtney is no longer relevant. Just stop Courtney.



So Mick Jagger’s partner L’Wren Scott had died postponing the rest of the dates of The Rolling Stones Australian and New Zealand tour. Sad news for Mick and the family of L’Wren Scott, I was moved by his touching words on the bands’ website:

I am still struggling to understand how my lover and best friend could end her life in this tragic way.
We spent many wonderful years together and had made a great life for ourselves.

She had great presence and her talent was much admired, not least by me.

I have been touched by the tributes that people have paid to her, and also the personal messages of support that I have received.

I will never forget her,