#31 Rich Rule (Response to reading)

The reading:

So the “rich get richer” through the web, the same way that Hollywood does with actors as the demand increases.

What interested me though was that the “majority of information collected by humanity lands online” and with is continuously increasing the amount of information “node by node”  similar to the group of actors in hollywood which grew from a small number back in the silent film era days when there were barely any actors, whereas now we have more than enough, it grew similar to a singular node on the web, that built up one by one, building up the profit with the expansion.

I guess with more actors, meant more films to make which meant more people watched them which meant more money being made. Yeah.

Cool story bro.

Barabási, Albert-László. “Rich Get Richer”. Linked: How Everything Is Connected to Everything Else and What It Means for Business, Science, and Everyday Life. New York, NY: A plume book, 2003. Print. (PDF)

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