Coffee Chats

In this week’s workshop, we conducted a recording exercise in pairs using a Zoom H2N Audio Recorder. We conducted an informal interview at the basketball courts to get a feel of the environment we were in. Though you could hear other sounds in the background, such as cars driving by, people talking, basketballs bouncing and […]

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Watch And Listen

In this week’s workshop, we began with something that majority of our class, myself included, were anticipating wouldn’t happen but it actually did, and that was a mini film-fest of everyone’d second project brief. Thankfully, mine was one of the videos shown in the middle, and there’s a saying out there that people always remember […]

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Tell Me About It

In this week’s workshop, we discussed an array of things, but of course, all still relating to media. We began by watching a short video of UK academic, David Gauntlett as he discusses his new book, Making Media Studies: The Creativity Turn in Media and Cultural Studies. He makes points about making media to describe […]

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A Haiku – From Me To You

During our second workshop, we were given a task to create a short video with some texts, which were from a haiku poem, and edit them using Adobe Premiere Pro. And I guess this is my results from the exercise. p.s. the haiku was created by yours truly (as well as all the footage used) & music […]

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My Hat’s Off To You

Despite the gloomy weather during the day, this week’s workshop was filled with colour. And no, I’m not talking about rainbow lights filling the room. I’m talking about the Six Thinking Hats system used to provide feedback. But in our case, we had only used four: yellow (something positive), red (gut reaction), black (discernment) and […]

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How does one word hold such great power in impacting people’s lives? From Orientation alone, we’ve been advised to get to know each other since we’re all going to be together for the next couple of years. So we might as well be friends, right? I suppose this was reiterated again in our first week […]

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A Beginner’s Blog

Blogging. How the word sounds so familiar yet the experience of it is so unfamiliar I find somewhat amusing. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve had experience with other forms of blogging before. But WordPress blogging and actually writing about my life experiences is something new to me. So it came with such surprise to be […]

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