And Fade Out

It’s my last class of the semester and what better way to end it than sharing your work with the class. We had a table read of everyone’s script, or at least part of it, and it seemed so fitting to finish this studio like this. It was really cool to hear everyone else’s work […]

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What Are You Trying To Say?

Finally. We are in our final week of the semester. And still, we’re pushing out a couple more writing exercises to keep us in the groove of drafting our screenplays. Today, we talked about exposition and how we could say something without saying it at all (i.e. without using dialogue). An interesting point was made […]

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Wrap It Up

These past two weeks have been pretty hectic with all the filming we’ve been doing and today was our last day. Last week, we had also filmed on the Wednesday and Thursday with 8:30am call times for the crew and we would finish up at around 3pm so they were quite long days and it […]

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Now We’re Done

And now, we conclude. This week was our last week of classes, and also our last full week of working on our group film. Our primary focus now was on solely editing, but to be more specific, this meant adjusting the colours, sound and refining shots. We made sure that all the shots we needed […]

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So we’re down to our last week of my first semester at uni. And let me tell you, I am so keen for my 7-week semester break. But on a more educational and positive note, my group and I had yet another productive week. We decided to reshoot the introduction and conclusion for our video […]

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See What I Did There

In this week’s workshop, we received feedback for the rough cut of our video essay. Similar to the feedback we got on our audio essays (click here for that feedback), we didn’t really have to make too much changes other than some tweaks here and there. The feedback we got were to adjust the white […]

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