Disney As An Institution

For our fourth project brief, we had to work collaboratively in groups of three to produce two media essays — one audio-based and one video-based — in response to a conceptual idea central to Media as an academic discipline. And the concept my group and I received was institutions. At first, I wasn’t really keen […]

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So we’re down to our last week of my first semester at uni. And let me tell you, I am so keen for my 7-week semester break. But on a more educational and positive note, my group and I had yet another productive week. We decided to reshoot the introduction and conclusion for our video […]

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See What I Did There

In this week’s workshop, we received feedback for the rough cut of our video essay. Similar to the feedback we got on our audio essays (click here for that feedback), we didn’t really have to make too much changes other than some tweaks here and there. The feedback we got were to adjust the white […]

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Does This Sound Okay?

This week would have to be another productive week as we are still running on good time. Last week, we recorded audio for both our audio and video essays. And so this week, I edited the audio for the video essay using Adobe Audition. I had to ensure that the volume of each speaker was […]

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Productivity Strong

This week was definitely a very productive week for my Media One group in terms of making progress for our fourth project brief. We meet 3 times a week; 2 of them being outside of class time. I think what makes us so productive is that we divide the work evenly and set ourselves goals […]

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Game Plan

In this week’s workshop, we focused mainly on working on our fourth project brief. My group and I came together and discussed our progress from our Tuesday meetings, as well as plans for our Friday meetings. Our group has been very productive this past week (and you read my progress report here), and it was […]

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What Did Y-Essay?

In this week’s lectorial, we covered institutions and the type of essays we need to produce for our fourth project brief which is convenient considering my group and I are doing our project on institutions. As summarised by Branston & Stafford (1999) in The Media Student’s Book 2nd Ed, institutions are enduring; regulate and structure […]

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