
For our second project brief, we had to produce a media self-portrait consisting of media components all recorded by us and edit them into a video. For my video, I used 5 photos, 6 videos and 4 sounds all recorded with my phone, and edited them using Adobe Premiere Pro. In my video, I wanted […]

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Try This

In our Cinema Studies screening this week, we were introduced to experimental films. For a person who has never watched experimental films before and has always been into narrative films, this was all so new and weird to me. The first film we watched was Ballet Mecanique and about halfway through it, I literally said […]

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Project Brief #1 (Pt. III)

Pt. III of my Lo-fi Media Self-Portrait for our Project Brief #1 50 WORDS To be honest, I don’t really know what idea of myself I was trying to convey in the following 50 words. I legitimately wrote this filled with so much sarcasm and this is the result of such thoughts. “One. It’s interesting […]

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Project Brief #1 (Pt. II)

Pt. II of my Lo-fi Media Self-Portrait for our Project Brief #1 VIDEO The first piece of video is of me walking. I’m a person who walks a lot, and by that I mean, I used to walk to school. I’m also the type of walker who likes to walk at a slightly more than […]

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Project Brief #1 (Pt. I)

For our first project brief, we were asked to collate 3 pieces of original audio, 3 pieces of original video, 6 photographs and 50 words of text, providing a brief description of what we were trying to convey about ourselves through each form. AUDIO For my first piece of original audio, it is the sound […]

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