Work It Out

In this week’s lectorial, we first got a lecture on work attachments. This is something that we need to complete before the end of our last semester of our final year if we want to graduate. Oh, and one more thing, we need to complete 80 hours of it. Personally, I find this a little […]

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What Did Y-Essay?

In this week’s lectorial, we covered institutions and the type of essays we need to produce for our fourth project brief which is convenient considering my group and I are doing our project on institutions. As summarised by Branston & Stafford (1999) in The Media Student’s Book 2nd Ed, institutions are enduring; regulate and structure […]

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Copy And Paste

For this week’s lectorial, we had a guest speaker talk to us about copyright. This was quite fitting as we are currently working on our fourth project brief where we are allowed to use copyrighted material for educational purposes. However, it would have also been nice to have a received a lecture on this prior […]

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Team Up

‘Together Everyone Achieves More’ Oh, how that phrase is so inspiring yet haunting. Everyone knows what it feels like to work in a team, that is, most of us has had experiences working in good teams, and not so good teams. So how do you work collaboratively in a team? Well, of course, that’s something […]

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Story Time

In this week’s lectorial, we were given an introduction into narrative. The example that was used in class was a documentary called, Mistaken For Strangers directed by Tom Beringer to explain the three act structure. I’ve watched documentaries here and there, but I never really thought that the three act structure can actually be applied […]

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Try Harder

‘You can do better than that.’ So this week’s lecture began with a pep talk on blogging. More. It was inspiring yet just a little bit galling. Not going to lie, my blogging skills can definitely be improved, I have no arguments there. But this is not my only subject, and most definitely not my […]

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All Rounder

This week’s lectorial was divided into three parts. We began with a lecture on Analysing Media Texts where we were given an introduction into textual analysis. All this just reminded me of every movie that we watched in my high school Media classes and how we analysed a plethora of scenes that it took me […]

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What Do You Hear?

This week’s lectorial was one that definitely had to be listened to. And that’s because the topic being discussed is sound, an element that I think is somewhat underrated sometimes in film and television. The lecture touched base with ideas highlighted in our reading for the week, discussing topics from ‘what is sound?’ to different […]

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The Edit

‘Should I cut this out or keep it? I mean, it’s kind of important, like it gives you a bit more detail? …(watches the edited preview a million times)… Actually, nah, I’ll just take it out. It just makes it longer.’ This is probably my most recurring thought/action every time I have to edit something. […]

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Shopping for Media

In this week’s lectorial, we were dismissed early and ventured in groups to certain places around the city. My group and I were assigned to Bourke Street Mall and here we were asked to record different forms of media that we noticed. I suppose the point of this activity was to practice the art of […]

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