See What I Did There

In this week’s workshop, we received feedback for the rough cut of our video essay. Similar to the feedback we got on our audio essays (click here for that feedback), we didn’t really have to make too much changes other than some tweaks here and there. The feedback we got were to adjust the white […]

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Listen to This

For this week’s workshop, we received feedback on our audio essay. We didn’t really need to make a lot of changes other than a few tweaks here and there. We did, however, had to re-record a few things but not too much. Overall, I’m quite happy with how our audio essay turned out. Especially since […]

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Rough Presentations

This week’s workshop gave us the chance to regroup and share our ideas with our class. We had to give a rough presentation of our fourth project brief in terms of discussing what our topics our essays will be based on and any relevant findings. The topic for our group is Institution, in particular, Disney. […]

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Frog Kisses

‘Hey, can I please have a large popcorn and an extra large cup of nostalgia. Kthanksbye.’ So for our fourth project brief, my group and I had a change of plans, and I think it’s a brilliant idea. One of our forms of research is to watch Disney films and make notes about the meaning […]

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