Does This Sound Okay?

This week would have to be another productive week as we are still running on good time. Last week, we recorded audio for both our audio and video essays. And so this week, I edited the audio for the video essay using Adobe Audition. I had to ensure that the volume of each speaker was […]

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Show Me How

It’s audition time. And no I don’t mean, auditioning for a show or film. I’m talking about Adobe Audition. We were given a brief tutorial on the basics of using Audition in order to help us edit our audio from our audio recording exercise (and click here to read about my post on that) in […]

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Coffee Chats

In this week’s workshop, we conducted a recording exercise in pairs using a Zoom H2N Audio Recorder. We conducted an informal interview at the basketball courts to get a feel of the environment we were in. Though you could hear other sounds in the background, such as cars driving by, people talking, basketballs bouncing and […]

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