Did You Get My Message?

“The medium is the message.” — Marshall McLuhan  A reading that we had this week is Medium Theory: An Alternative to the Dominant Paradigm of Media Effects by Joshua Meyrowitz. One of the key topics that this reading discusses is that idea proposed by Marshall McLuhan; that the medium is more influential than the actual […]

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Are You Still Watching That?

One of our readings for this week is Making Public Television Social? Public Service Broadcasting and the Challenges of Social Media by J. Van Dijck and T. Poell. It’s main points are mainly about how television has become more ‘social’ due to the integration of social media, such as Twitter and Facebook, and how this […]

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Ladies And Gentlemen

One of our readings for this week was an entry on ‘Audience’ by David Morley in New Keywords: A Revised Vocabulary of Culture and Society. It begins by describing the history of the term ‘audience’ to discussing the development of mediated audiences in society. The production of daily newspapers gave birth to mediated audiences and […]

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Let’s Collab Dude

A reading we had for the week was ‘What is Collaboration Anyway?’ in The Social Media Reader (Hyde et al), which if it’s not clear enough in the title, is about collaboration. Because what better way to learn about being a team player than to read about how to be one. Sharing Is the First […]

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Did You Notice That?

Another one of our readings for this week is an extract from Researching your own practice: The discipline of noticing by John Mason which focused mainly on the art of noticing. In some sense, it suggests that noticing is something that just happens to us, and not something we necessarily deliberately do. It included an […]

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Take Notes

One of our readings this week is an extract from Directing the Documentary by Michael Rabiger. The extract focused particularly on drama and the three act structure. It explains the importance of the dramatic curve in any story, and how pinpointing this apex will highlight the rest of the conventions naturally prior to and after […]

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Tell Me What You See

One of our readings for the week is ‘A Beginner’s Guide To Textual Analysis’ by Alan McKee, which is pretty much an introduction to textual analysis. First, I’d like to begin by saying that through out the entire time I was reading this text, I just kept having flashback moments of my time in my […]

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Listen Up

In our readings for the week, we were asked to read ‘Perspective’ from Speech, Music and Sound and ‘Sound’ from Making Media: Foundations of Sound and Image Production. In ‘Perspective’, the extract discusses perspective, social distance and immersion in relation to sound. In brief terms, perspective is the process of placing elements in order. And […]

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