Disney As An Institution

For our fourth project brief, we had to work collaboratively in groups of three to produce two media essays — one audio-based and one video-based — in response to a conceptual idea central to Media as an academic discipline. And the concept my group and I received was institutions. At first, I wasn’t really keen […]

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For our third project brief, we were required to make a 2-3 minute short film on someone we may, or may not, know. And for my project, I have chosen a close friend of mine, and most importantly, my twin, Angelica. We’re not actual twins, as in related by blood. But in spite of that, […]

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For our second project brief, we had to produce a media self-portrait consisting of media components all recorded by us and edit them into a video. For my video, I used 5 photos, 6 videos and 4 sounds all recorded with my phone, and edited them using Adobe Premiere Pro. In my video, I wanted […]

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Project Brief #1 (Pt. III)

Pt. III of my Lo-fi Media Self-Portrait for our Project Brief #1 50 WORDS To be honest, I don’t really know what idea of myself I was trying to convey in the following 50 words. I legitimately wrote this filled with so much sarcasm and this is the result of such thoughts. “One. It’s interesting […]

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Project Brief #1 (Pt. II)

Pt. II of my Lo-fi Media Self-Portrait for our Project Brief #1 VIDEO The first piece of video is of me walking. I’m a person who walks a lot, and by that I mean, I used to walk to school. I’m also the type of walker who likes to walk at a slightly more than […]

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Project Brief #1 (Pt. I)

For our first project brief, we were asked to collate 3 pieces of original audio, 3 pieces of original video, 6 photographs and 50 words of text, providing a brief description of what we were trying to convey about ourselves through each form. AUDIO For my first piece of original audio, it is the sound […]

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