For Better Or For Worse

And in sickness and in health, we got it together for the presentation.

Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to present with my group, but I still got a chance to see some of it and I was with them prior to the presentation helping to prepare so I knew what was being said. And since we did literally gather before class, it was then that we faced some technical issues with finalising the edit for our pilot episode. Long story short, the audio was messed up for most of it and some parts didn’t have audio at all. So for the presentation, we agreed to only show one scene where the editing, which thankfully included sound, was pretty good.

Overall, I think my group presented well. It was more of a conversational type of presentation rather than formal. I also think that they did express the direction that we were going in clearly. But I think that the feedback that we got was definitely beneficial for us, especially in regards to production roles. It was given when we justified why we weren’t switching roles during production and filming of each episode – which was mainly to maintain visual aesthetic as well as general order in our group, that is, if we change one role, another role will also need to be changed.

It was said that working on a set is hierarchal, that there are some roles with more control than others, and that whatever your role is, you need to stick to it. There may be times where you’d like to make notice on something but it’s not your place to because that’s not your job. I agree with this so much. I do understand that we are still students and we’re all still getting our heads wrapped around the idea of what it’s like to actually work in a production, so it makes sense that we’re not as clear cut and strict on our roles. But hearing it from people who do have professional experience of this is great for us as students especially considering that is our goal as a group. We hope to work more efficiently and we can do that by being more professional on set.

So I am most definitely looking forward to getting well into production with this web series because I know that our group has learned a lot from filming the pilot and we will be taking on board the feedback that we got from the presentation.

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