Let’s All Collaborate

And have good time.

The second half of this semester has been a pretty intense few weeks of group work. After everyone pitched their film ideas and got into groups, things really got underway with pre-production of our films considering the amount of time we had to complete them. There really wasn’t a lot of moments to waste. With every group work I’ve done so far, the element of communication has always stood out for me. I mean, there are other things that make a group work, but to me, communication would really be the most important one.

I’ve been thankful enough that the group projects I’ve been a part of this semester have succeeded in our tasks. And I think that most of this has been due to effective communication. The discussions we have not only include our goals and things we need to do, but also possible complications we might have particularly when filming for our group film. I think that this has really helped us be more productive as we have already foreshadowed things that might go wrong. And should they actually happen, we’re prepared for it. Luckily we didn’t really have anything like this during the making of our film.

Moreover, communication is also about listening. Our group always endeavoured to listen to each other’s ideas and this helped us in helping each other. There were moments during production, particularly in between takes and setting up our next shot, where we would rethink if our planned shot would actually look good or if we realised that our planned shot may come with a continuity issue. We would then propose our own ideas on how to do the take and decide together if we go with it or go with different idea.

Another element that I think makes group work really happen and goes well with communication is compromise. Thanks to group chats, it made it really easy for my group and I to schedule our days accordingly. We would always let each other know when we’ve got commitments and won’t be free, and even if we’re going to be arriving late to filming/editing. This aided us to distribute the workload evenly. And not going to lie, though I’ve been unable to make it to a couple of filming sessions due to illness, and there were days where we would be one person down, we would always make sure that we were always together in some way. All in all, I’m really happy with the way my group and I worked these past few weeks and how our film turned out.

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