Listen Up

In our readings for the week, we were asked to read ‘Perspective’ from Speech, Music and Sound and ‘Sound’ from Making Media: Foundations of Sound and Image Production. In ‘Perspective’, the extract discusses perspective, social distance and immersion in relation to sound. In brief terms, perspective is the process of placing elements in order. And in terms of sound, this means creating layers of sounds by placing different elements in the figure (foreground), ground (middle ground), and field (background). Doing this creates an auditory experience for audiences and affects their perspective on what they’re hearing, that is, the way they respond to the sounds.

This reading also discusses social distance, which is the different degrees of formality between the viewer and the screen. If the sound is closer, such as a whisper, it suggests a more intimate relationship and is can be described as more confidential. Whereas, the further the sound, for instance, someone shouting, there isn’t a close relationship and there is a lack of confidentiality.   It then describes the concept of immersion where there is no hierarchy or perspective involved and it functions to include the listener to the environment.

In the second reading, it is literally all about sound. From sound waves to recording sounds, it discusses how sound is an ‘underrated element’ and that it can be edited to formulate an experience like in a film, as well as defining important words relating to sound. It begins by explaining the basics of how sounds are produced, that is, physical vibrations that makes molecules move and create sound waves. It then explains the concept of transduction which is how sounds waves are transformed into another form of energy, which is an electronic signal to be heard by the ear. The reading continues on to an in-depth explanation of microphones, from its different components to learning how to use and record with them.

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