Watch And Listen

In this week’s workshop, we began with something that majority of our class, myself included, were anticipating wouldn’t happen but it actually did, and that was a mini film-fest of everyone’d second project brief. Thankfully, mine was one of the videos shown in the middle, and there’s a saying out there that people always remember the first and last performances and not the ones in the middle (or somewhere along those lines). It’s not that I was embarrassed or not proud of the work I had produced, but I’m still working on being comfortable with a bigger audience, one that’s beyond my family and friends, to watch my work. Aside from this, I did enjoy watching other people’s work as it showed me a little bit about the people I’m with and their creative nature.

We also did a quick listening exercise and discussed our readings for the week. We had to listen to a piece which sounded like a narrative investigation and analysed the different components we heard in the piece. It made links to the reading again where sounds were placed in the background, middle ground and foreground to develop a narrative, also emphasising the importance of sound on film and how it can construct a story without visuals. We then moved on to a recording exercise where we paired up and we had to use a Zoom H2N Audio Recorder. In our pairs, we had to conduct a formal and informal interview around the campus. We first recorded in the basketball courts to create an informal setting and get a feel of the environment around us. We also recorded back in the classroom and though it didn’t have pure silence, it was the quietest we can get with all the people and construction going on around campus.

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