Wrap It Up

These past two weeks have been pretty hectic with all the filming we’ve been doing and today was our last day.

Last week, we had also filmed on the Wednesday and Thursday with 8:30am call times for the crew and we would finish up at around 3pm so they were quite long days and it was a fairly exhausting week in general. And since our first filming day, we were definitely getting better in each filming day after getting over the first day nervousness. Our organisation was so much better compared to our pilot episode, and everyday was running just as smoothly like we planned.

And I would just like to highlight the 10/10 scheduling that was done. Basically, filming was organised based on the locations and characters. The two scripts were combined for this, so for example, one particular set up in the location was used in both episodes, so we would film the scenes that would take place in that area. This definitely helped us lot in terms of efficiency and organising call sheets for the actors.

Speaking of actors, this was the first time I had ever worked with actors that I didn’t know and were casted through an actual casting process. It was definitely a new experience and it was quite rewarding to see them get in their element. Before we would start filming, we’d usually spend some time calming down a bit after setting up and it gives the actors time to do a run through of the scene with one of the writers present on all filming days. It was really nice to see them put their own interpretation of the characters and when they received feedback on how to better it, see them put that into action. It definitely gave me a better understanding on how actors prepare and reiterates the fact that acting isn’t as easy as it may seem.

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