Media Four, It Was Lit

Literally. This studio has been a crazy ride. But what it makes so rewarding (apart from getting back into filming, making a bunch of new friends, making two episodes of a web series and a gaining a lot of new insights) is seeing the progress that’s happened over the past couple of months. It was […]

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Wrap It Up

These past two weeks have been pretty hectic with all the filming we’ve been doing and today was our last day. Last week, we had also filmed on the Wednesday and Thursday with 8:30am call times for the crew and we would finish up at around 3pm so they were quite long days and it […]

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Film Firsts

So today, we had our first day of filming and it was actually pretty good. We had a fairly early call time to allow us enough time to set up all the equipment before the actors arrived. But to say that we were cool, calm and collected would’ve been a great joke but probably not […]

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