Let’s Get This Party Started

And that we did.

We started filming for our pilot episode and we did more or less better than planned. Before the day, we did sort out some things to make sure that we were as prepared as we could be. This meant having a shot list and schedule so we wouldn’t waste time on the day.

Those of us who arrived early set up the equipment at the main location that we were going to use for most of the shots. And once everyone got there, we got started. Overall, the first day of filming went somewhat smoothly. We managed to film a little over half of the shots on the shot list despite having two cameras.

I guess what I’d like to discuss from here are improvements for our next filming session since we do need to plan another day of filming. I guess the first would be to solidify our production roles more. I don’t know if solidify is the right word to use, but what I’m trying to say is that, despite having organised ourselves into roles prior to the day, we ended up shifting around. I went from being the boom operator to lighting to camera. So a part of me felt that we were a little over the place for the most part.

Another thing would be to follow our shot list and schedule, especially, more strictly. The original plan was to film all, if not, then majority of the shots/scenes. And though we sort of did that considering we had one scene left to film, I really think we could have finished it all on the day. I do get that not all shots in a shot list are eventually going to be used, and once in production, camera angles can and would change in every take. But as a starting point for us, and again considering time since set up and pack up take up quite some time, I thought that we could have followed through with the shot list more tightly.

But again, overall, our first film sesh still went pretty well and our group has good chemistry when it comes to production and I look forward to our next filming day.

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