Let Me See First

And let the filming begin.

This week, my group and I began filming for our film. But before we actually did some official filming – the one where it’s actually part of the final product – we first did some test filming. We agreed to do this to see if the shots we envisioned would work and how they would turn out. I thought that this was a great ideas as on the day we did some test filming, it became clearer, or better yet, more precise to us what the vision of the film is and we also got a sense of the direction we were going to take. We made a decision on the things that would work and wouldn’t work on camera, which camera we will use for which shot, and of course, the shots and scenes we will film the following day when we start our official filming.

The first day of official filming was a productive one. We focused primarily on shooting the scenes where it’s mainly individual – the shots which just focuses on the main actor. We basically shot almost half of the film itself in a short amount of time that we intended to. We also tried to do some more dynamic shots, particularly tracking shots as the actor was walking. As we didn’t have a dolly, we tried a couple of ways to get that gliding effect on camera. First, we placed the DSLR on a folder and dragged it across the floor. Second, we had one person hold the camera as they sat on a wheeled chair while another pushed. Both trials turned out pretty good, but it’s a matter of reviewing the footage and seeing if it actually turned out okay.

The plan now is to review the footage we have filmed so far and decide if there’s anything to be re-shoot with those shots. We also need to figure out which shots and scenes we need to film for our next filming day.

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