Look Again

2 Scenes in 2 hours.

This week, we were given the task to film and re-make two scenes, each from two different films.

The first scene we filmed was fairly easy considering it was one shot that had barely any camera movement. For the filming of this scene, I was the boom pole operator. The role was harder than I thought, in the sense that, you needed to have some physical attributes to do that because I began to struggle slightly by our third take holding the boom pole for close to minute. But at the same time, as someone not as enthusiastic with sound as they are with camera, it was interesting to learn the concentration level you need to have when using it, especially when two people are speaking. In order for me to clearly receive audio from the actors, I needed to position the microphone to be directly above the person speaking so I was basically waving the pole around as the two actors conversed.

For the second scene, the original scene from the film consisted of ten shots, most of which were repetitive. I was the camera operator for the filming of this scene. Getting the right angle and mies-en-scene for each shot was fairly straightforward and achievable as I had watched the original scene multiple times. I was more concerned about the white balance and exposure due to the environment we filmed in. We filmed in a classroom but had decided to pull the blinds down due to the overly bright natural lighting entering the room and had used the lights of the classroom instead. I then had to ensure that skin tones were the same, or at least closely matched, but most of all, ensuring that it wasn’t too dark. Though we were using artificial lighting, it was still fairly dark considering how high the ceiling lights were and the fact that they were set on ‘medium’. Thankfully, when I played the footage back, the image colouring was all good.

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