Hold On

Thursday – 25 August 2016

One hand clutched tightly to the handle bar above while the other balanced a book as he stood sandwiched in the packed train carriage. He was focused on the book, indifferent to the crowd he was currently engulfed in. He would often smile as he read obviously lost within the words of the book. When the train would stop at each station, he would look up and move slightly to allow people to get out or get into the train before retuning his book.



He boarded a train, quickly found a seat and pulled out his book to read. He was very much into the book that he was reading that he didn’t notice that someone had sat opposite him on the train. She was also reading the same book and she too, was also very much into the book that she notice him. Three stations later, the train was slowing down ready to stop and the driver announced the upcoming station. They both looked up at their books and straight towards the window before closing their books. She got up first and headed towards the door, and he soon followed.

He stood just behind her at the door. He looked down and noticed the book she was holding. She also looked down, but at her shoes and felt that someone was standing behind her so she slowly turned her head and noticed the book which the guy was holding. He then looked at her when she turned around, waiting for her eyes to meet his. And when they did, the doors beeped open which startled both of them and she immediately looked away and walked off the train. She eventually got lost within the sea of people at the train station platform making it hard for her to turn around and he lost sight of her.

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