Listen to This

For this week’s workshop, we received feedback on our audio essay. We didn’t really need to make a lot of changes other than a few tweaks here and there. We did, however, had to re-record a few things but not too much. Overall, I’m quite happy with how our audio essay turned out. Especially since our project is on Disney, it’s so easy to find soundbites to incorporate. Not only that, Disney has a particular sound that you can quickly identify that it’s a Disney song or characters.

One of the positive feedbacks that we got was the use of the three voices, that is, everyone in our group. We tried as much as we can to distribute the dialogue evenly, and at the same time to say them in a more casual tone as it’s quite informative. The clips between the talking are a good way to add texture to the audio essay and to create engagement for audiences considering there are no visuals.

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