Does This Sound Okay?

This week would have to be another productive week as we are still running on good time. Last week, we recorded audio for both our audio and video essays. And so this week, I edited the audio for the video essay using Adobe Audition. I had to ensure that the volume of each speaker was equal. And so I remembered one of the feedbacks that I got from a previous audio exercise that we did in our earlier workshops where we had to edit the audio in Audition.

I needed to watch the levels of each audio piece and that was what I did. Doing so made me clearly see the different levels of volume each speaker spoke in. I then decided to manually adjust each audio piece manually, while simultaneously arranging the clips in order according to our script. I made sure that we all spoke between -12 dB and -6 dB range to ensure consistency in volume. I guess what made me second guess if they were equal in volume is the fact that we all had such distinct voices. But other than that, it made me gain more knowledge using Audition.

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