Try Harder

‘You can do better than that.’

So this week’s lecture began with a pep talk on blogging. More.

It was inspiring yet just a little bit galling. Not going to lie, my blogging skills can definitely be improved, I have no arguments there. But this is not my only subject, and most definitely not my only priority in my life right now. However, in spite of that, I will try harder to blog more and to blog better. Though I am more chill now that I’m in university doing something that makes happy and something that is important to me, I have realised that I need to get my act together and start taking things a little more seriously. I really need to pull my weight in and continue to keep reminding myself that I am better than this.

Finally getting to university and studying something that actually interests me, something that is important to me, and most especially, something that makes me happy, I’m getting the fresh start that I need. Gone are those days where I would sit in my maths and science classes wanting it to be over, going to school day in and day out, 5 days a week, waiting for Friday. I’m much happier than I was. Don’t get me wrong, I had a great time in high school and I will definitely cherish all the good memories and good people that made my time there that much tolerable. But I guess this transition made me more relaxed, more carefree, and more me. And at the same time, I lost a little bit of that focus and drive that I had back in high school.

So my point really is to get my act together and to get that drive back. I have the happiness to fuel it, I just need to bring back that mindset.

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