Take Notes

One of our readings this week is an extract from Directing the Documentary by Michael Rabiger. The extract focused particularly on drama and the three act structure. It explains the importance of the dramatic curve in any story, and how pinpointing this apex will highlight the rest of the conventions naturally prior to and after it. I found this point (no pun intended) to be interesting as it reminded me of previous films I’ve watched, and how doing this actually places everything else in the story.

For instance, in Pitch Perfect, I would say that the apex would have to be (and SPOILER ALERT if you haven’t seen this film yet) when the Barden Bellas lose at the semi-finals and Becca argues with Jesse, followed by the break up of the Barden Bellas. The film literally begins with the previous Barden Bellas performing and losing at regionals, and from there, it then goes on to present time to focus on Bella’s transition and journey into college. Everything before that lead to this moment and that fact that it was the climax of all her problems, you could already guess that a resolution would obviously follow.

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