Show Me How

It’s audition time.

And no I don’t mean, auditioning for a show or film. I’m talking about Adobe Audition. We were given a brief tutorial on the basics of using Audition in order to help us edit our audio from our audio recording exercise (and click here to read about my post on that) in our previous workshop. I don’t know why, but I found this short and brief tutorial much more helpful in understanding how to use this program than some of the tutorials I watched online. And I think one reason for this is because this was conducted in a classroom setting not at 1am in the morning with my lights off lounging on my bed.

We then moved onto another recording exercise where we learned how to use a Sony MC50 video camera and in groups of threes, and we had to film a brief guide to surviving university. As a group, we made a quick plan as to where we should film, how we should film it and what questions we will have to ensure that we do the exercise properly and efficiently.

And just as a side note, I really enjoy these workshops where we’re learning how to use different types of equipment, because for someone whose only been using a DSLR to film, sometimes with an attachable microphone if I need to record audio with the visuals, it’s really nice to learn some other equipment used for filming and recording. Also, I find it pretty cool how my tutorial teacher picks our groups for us during these exercises because, honestly, we’re already in week 5 and we’re all starting to get the hang of things, but we don’t actually know much of the people also in our course. So I thinks it’s nice to get to know other people that our in my class but I just don’t speak to often because we’re not on the same tables. Because the truth is, we’re all on the same boat — we don’t know how to use some of these equipments/softwares and we don’t really know much of each other either. Side note end.

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