Do You Remember?

Do I remember what?

Honestly, week 5 has just been a complete blur to me. Partly because of the fact that week 4 was literally split in half due to mid-semester break, which technically wasn’t really mid-semester because there’s 14 weeks this semester and we had a break in week 4 instead of week 7, but anyways. I don’t really know where I’m going to go with this post because like I said, week 5 was such a blur that I don’t remember much of what actually happened to me during my classes.

But I suppose something I’d like to talk about is recording life events, and this is pretty much brought on by our filming exercise this week. I’ve seen so many time lapse videos online, especially on social media, that parents make of their children growing up, as in recording a snippet of them everyday or taking a photo of them everyday for years and years. And don’t get me wrong, I find these touching because they put in so much effort to record every little thing about their child and just imagine how tear-jerking it must be for the parents (and maybe even the children themselves) to see their kids grow up all over again in a matter of minutes.

I would just like to ask though, do you not get tired of doing this everyday? I mean you might have unconditional love for your child, but when do you even edit these? Along the way? Or at the end of every year? Or at the end of a decade? Not going to lie here, even I myself have considered doing this for my own future children, but wouldn’t it be better to just enjoy witnessing your child grow up in real life and in real time instead of focusing on recording them everyday? I guess for me, and knowing how old-fashioned I am and how reluctant I am with technology sometimes (go figure considering I’m in a Media course), I’d much rather prefer to spend quality time with my kids than staring at them behind a camera just to capture a piece of them everyday. They say that the best things in life are free, so what is better than spending every moment of everyday with your kids especially when they’re still young and not at school yet, which by the way is also free, than spending money on equipment to record them?

Anyways, they’re just my passing thoughts on this matter. To reiterate, I ain’t hating on people who do these for their children. In fact, I actually admire them because doing something like those time lapse videos everyday, I can only image, is actually very tiring, but they do it anyway for themselves and for their children.

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