Project Brief #1 (Pt. III)

Pt. III of my Lo-fi Media Self-Portrait for our Project Brief #1


To be honest, I don’t really know what idea of myself I was trying to convey in the following 50 words. I legitimately wrote this filled with so much sarcasm and this is the result of such thoughts.

“One. It’s interesting how the number itself when spelled out is made of three letters, contrary to its numerical form consisting of only a single character. It’s also interesting how this sentence, in conjunction with the previous text, already comprises of forty five words, inclusively. So here’s one more: fifty.” (written by yours truly)


  • Polaroid: I’m into ‘old-school’ things, and so combining that with my liking for photography results in the love for these instant cameras. It’s very nostalgic when you pull out the polaroids later and just reminisce about those good times. It’s like what people say, ‘photos are nice because even if the people in them changed, the memories do not.’


  • Book: I’m not a huge reader but I do like to read when I find the time. I’m especially into classical books.


  • Ukulele: As I already know how to play the guitar, learning how to play the ukulele was pretty easy to pick up. I also wanted to learn how to play it because I thought they looked cute and they sound so light and playful.


  • Headphones: These are great if ever I just want to remove myself from the noises of the world and just spend time with myself listening to music.


  • Remote: This is actually for a DVD player. I love movies (like why else would I be in a Media course?) and I’m also into hard-copy things, so that means actually buying DVDs and putting them in a DVD player and watching it on a TV (like they do in the good ol’ days which today’s kids may not know).


  • Fries: If I could, I would bring a bucket of fries into a cinema, instead of popcorn. Don’t get me wrong, I love popcorn, it’s always my favourite snack every time I watch a movie or binge-watch a TV show. But legit though, I would love to have a bucket of fries.


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