
How does one word hold such great power in impacting people’s lives? From Orientation alone, we’ve been advised to get to know each other since we’re all going to be together for the next couple of years. So we might as well be friends, right? I suppose this was reiterated again in our first week of university due to all the introductory exercises each of my classes went through in each of the first lessons. And the reality is, not only will we all get to work with each other, but we would get to know each other at a personal level that we would form valuable friendships, some that may even last the rest of our lifetimes.

In each exercise that I had participated in, not only did we get a chance to know other people, but also for other people to know us. The questions were pretty much the same and I gave out the standard book responses, such as my name, age, why I chose this course, etc. But I think the important question we need to ask are not for the people that we meet, but for ourselves. How well do we really know ourselves? Why do we sometimes struggle to give out adequate responses when we’re asked ‘Tell me about yourself’?

This leads me to our first project brief that we had received in our workshop class where we had to collect various forms of media that reflected who we were. I struggled most in finding what kind of videos to film and what kind of audio to record. I’m the person who is usually behind the camera (hence, I’d like to be a director but that’s besides the point right now), the one capturing the moments, the one holding people’s phones and taking multiple photos of them and what not. So what could a girl film that describes who she is when she is one of those people who is just… there?

Well, the truth is, I’m a pretty simple person. Which is more than okay. And that’s when it hit me. What better way to show who I really am than through the regular, everyday, and simple things that I do which make me happy and make me who I am.

(p.s. click here, here and here to see my first project brief)

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