Project Brief #1 (Pt. I)

For our first project brief, we were asked to collate 3 pieces of original audio, 3 pieces of original video, 6 photographs and 50 words of text, providing a brief description of what we were trying to convey about ourselves through each form.


  • For my first piece of original audio, it is the sound of me eating cereal which I aimed to convey that I am a morning person in the sense that I am somewhat an ‘early bird’. Some people opt to skip breakfast, whereas I, regardless of what time I awake, I still have breakfast even if waking up at noon and having a meal is considered lunch, I consider it as breakfast.
  • The next piece of audio is the sound of me on the exercise bike. I’m not necessarily a ‘fit’ person per se, but I do exercise every now and again.
  • The last piece of audio is just pure silence. I know you may be wondering, ‘why did I just listen to 20 seconds of silence? I could do that on my own’. Well, when we were asked to collect 3 pieces of audio that reflected who we are, I sat there thinking in silence about what I could record. I’m more of an observer, a thinker and a listener rather than a talker. I admit I do talk a lot, but that is usually in the presence of my closest friends, and even then, I honestly prefer to listen to them speak. When I am on my own and just present with myself and no one else, I truly am a silent person.

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