PB#3: Pitch and Proposal: Proposal Document
Clare & Haylee
Working title: LIFE IN COLOUR
Logline: A celebration of Ariel Gabizon’s 30 year long career as the ‘Coogi Man’ and his longstanding devotion to style and colour.
The Queen Victoria Markets has seen many changes in recent decades, but for the last 30 years Ariel Gabizon has continued to sell vibrant Coogi sweaters within the bustling marketplace, spreading colour throughout customers lives. Over the years he has sold colourful garments to every type of person imaginable, asserting the inclusive belief that colour is for everyone. Life in Colour will explore Ariel’s long history with the market, the iconic Coogi sweater and the people who enjoy them.
Life in Colour opens with an establishing shot of the Queen Victoria Market, deep within the miscellaneous items and clothing stalls, people walking past. The title appears over the top in bold rainbow colours, then breaks into a rapid series of close up shots detailing the colourful patterns of Coogi Jumpers, accompanied by upbeat pop music (Music video-style sound and visual rhythmic arrangement).
The music softens and we establish our main subject, Ariel Gabizon, the owner of Ariel’s Sweater Shop at the Queen Victoria Markets. He is tall, dark and uninviting. He is sitting amid his stall, perfect symmetry shot, he has a deadpan expression looking down the lens. He is contrasted by his all-black attire and his neon orange nike sneakers. Ariel’s voiceover begins (from an interview we conduct with him) about his story of how he began working in the markets and his love for colour and the garments he sells. This will be overlayed with a series of handheld shots of him engaging with the sweaters (i.e. trying them on, or holding them up to the camera), and walking through the markets and interacting with his colleagues.
Ariel has been selling Coogi sweaters at the QVM for over 30 years and photographs of people wearing the jumpers in the past would visually communicate that (ideally photographs of him but pending accessibility). Archival images of celebrities (Notorious B.I.G, Snoop Dogg) will illustrate the brands iconic status and history. These images will play out in a sequence as Ariel talks about the history of Sweaters Australia and its prevalence in the 90s hip-hop scene.
The documentary closes with the first establishing shot we saw of Ariel sitting in his stall with a cold expression. The music strengthens and brightens as we slowly track out as he holds his cold exterior, and then he cracks a smile/breaks into a laugh. Credits roll.
By Thursday 19th January: Collected establishment shots & cutaways on the sweaters & talk to Ariel (discover more background info about him).
By Thursday 26th January: Interview completed
By the 31st January: Have interview rushes ready to present to class.
By Tuesday 7th February: Rough cut of video
By Tuesday 14th January: COMPLETED VIDEO.
Because there are only two of us we are both going to be involved in all aspects of production (planning, filming, editing etc.)