While collecting references for my annotated bibliography I came across a thesis entitled The Evolution of Mediatized Stand-Up Comedy: Investigating Para-Performances on Television, Film, and YouTube by Mirali Almaula. The thesis explores Stand Up Comedy performances and the effects that new…
In this week’s workshop, we listened to an episode of radio lab that explored the basic question: why do we sleep? I personally had a hard time maintaining focus while listening to this episode. I found it slow in pace,…

As I began to think about my topic for project 4 ‘Institutions’ I decided I would start by simply reading some current news articles that focus on institutions and the challenges some may be facing. I came across ‘There Goes…

With the past couple weeks having focused around storytelling, protagonists, character development, and non-narrative I thought I would take a moment to explore pieces of media that break the rules of storytelling and narratives. Clerks is a perfect example of…
In last week’s reading, we were exposed to the different forms of non-narrative storytelling. Non- Narrative being, in my opinion, the absence of character growth focused around ideas rather than having a tried and true plot. This is most commonly…

We briefly discussed group flow and the reading Group Genius: The creative power of collaboration by Keith Sawyer in this past week’s workshop. Since then I have actually done the reading (whoops, but better late than never). After I finished I immediately…
In this past workshops class, we discussed what characteristics make a someone a creative. After this discussion, I started thinking about what the traits within me that make me want to create/ continue to drive me to create/ or simply lend…
As we are beginning our first group project this semester I thought it would be a great idea to write a bit about my past experiences working with groups. Based on having read some of my peer’s post about this…
In the workshop yesterday, we showed each other our PB3’s. In these moments, I remember how I constantly felt in high school – shaking with anxiety for almost no reason at all. Anxious over having to show my peers my…
In preparation for PB4, where we will be collaborating, I am doing a ‘swot analysis’. SWOT analysis stands for Strengths; Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats. Strengths: The biggest strength I bring to the knowledge of ‘institutions’ as the concept of institutions is…