Collaborative Work & My Experience
As we are beginning our first group project this semester I thought it would be a great idea to write a bit about my past experiences working with groups. Based on having read some of my peer’s post about this…
PB3 Screening + Feedback
In the workshop yesterday, we showed each other our PB3’s. In these moments, I remember how I constantly felt in high school – shaking with anxiety for almost no reason at all. Anxious over having to show my peers my…
Individual SWOT Analysis
In preparation for PB4, where we will be collaborating, I am doing a ‘swot analysis’. SWOT analysis stands for Strengths; Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats. Strengths: The biggest strength I bring to the knowledge of ‘institutions’ as the concept of institutions is…
PB3 // Reflection I Blogged about my process in making PB3 in the following posts: After The Interview 08/04/16 Narrative Structure 13/04/16 PB3 Continued 15/04/16 Nearing The End 18/04/16 This project has certainly been the most illuminating for me so far. I…
In last week’s workshop, we did a small exercise to see how well we noticed what Louise was wearing. I do think of myself as someone who has a fairly decent memory. This is also a common exercise in improv…
Feminism: How Media Has Shaped My Opinion
Feminism first came across my social conscience in High School when I was spending a lot of my time online on At the time, HitRecord (created by Joseph Gordon-Levitt) had just had a big relaunch. The interface went from…
PB3: Nearing The End
Due to an unexpected, highly hectic, and very fun weekend, I ended up not getting the bulk of my editing done yesterday (surprise, surprise). As I had yet to miss a lecture yet I decided today was probably the day…
“Casablanca”: Cult Movies and Intertextual Collage
I found “Casablanca”: Cult Movies and Intertextual Collage by Umberto Eco to be an interesting read if not a little scattered. The main idea I took away from this reading is that nothing is new and everything is taken from someplace. This…
PB3: Cont’d
Tonight, I got back to working on PB3. I hadn’t really looked at it much since I did the interview as I waiting to shoot some B-Roll this past Thursday . I was then was planning on getting the bulk…
The Protagonists You Love to Hate
The concept of characters audiences “love to hate” is especially prevalent in Reality TV (Kim Kardashian , any of the Real Housewives) as well a soap style drama’s a la Scandal. Generally, this designation is restricted to the antagonists like Papa…