Post Aesthetics: First Impressions (A2)

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I was added to a Facebook group called ‘Post Aesthetics’ about 2 months ago by one of my good friends. I scrolled through the groups feed and was fairly confused by the . It consisted of some self-described ‘dank memes’, long form stories, humorous screenshots, and many references to things I’m not hip enough to understand 1. I attempted to post on the group to ask exactly what the group considered ‘good content’ 2. Noone responded. Well, except one guy who commented “nobody responded – that’s your answer” 3. I recently noticed someone had asked the posted the same question a few days back and received much kinder responses:

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My challenges to become a participating member of this community were as follows: learn what ‘good content’ to this community is, learn the etiquette, and learn a bit about the other members who they are – what they get out of the community, and maybe get into my first ever facebook fight 4



  1. I now have learned what vaporwave is as well as the aesthetic for vaporwave music
  2. This is a term that was thrown out and debated a lot within the group the weeks following
  3. this was before assessment 2 was assigned and I deleted the post after I received this feedback which is why there is not a screen shot of this interaction
  4. With a Stranger!
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