NetMed Reflection

Over the past six week’s in Networked Media, I have attempted many of the advised tasks to begin my blogging experience. I have specifically tried to follow Adrian Miles advice:

“The use of blogs can also explore questions about online identity. As students write about themselves through their blogs, they develop an online persona which they control. ” (Miles, 4)

I have gone about this through a series of trial and error. In my introductory post, I stated that “I will be using this blog to reflect on my classes but I will also be using the blog to share my opinions on how politics, culture, and media all play into each other and what each of them together says about the world we live in.” Though my blog has mostly featured posts to do directly with my studies, I have posted a few to do with my interests outside of Uni but are still correlated to some degree. Examples of this are my posts about SXSW and The Queen of Code. In this post, I related a piece of Media I had enjoyed to what I was learning about in my studies and was able to explore it more in depth than I would have been able to otherwise.

In addition to exploring my online identity and how I want to curate my blog, I have also taken to heart the importance of adding a variety of media to our blogs. In my recent post My Hyperlink Journey I made the decision to create a video component in addition to the text to add more context for the viewer.

As well as adding other forms of media to my posts to add context, I have also been diligent with my use of hyperlinks within my posts. In the SXSW post as well as WHO DO YOU THINK I AM, MR.BUBBLES9560?, I provided many links when discussing a particle component that I felt a reader may not be aware of to the same degree I am. By doing this I am:

“allowing readers to put events into context and get the whole story without the diarist having to explain it all again (Mcneill, 30)” (Landow, 78).

Overall, I have very much enjoyed this process. As I stated before it has given me an opportunity to explore topics that are brought up in my studies in greater detail and relate them to my daily life. I do wish to add more original content and explore my ideas through different mediums. As I know the written word is not my strong suit. I also wish to post in a more consistent manner and to allow myself to get more creative with the topics I explore.



Miles, Adrian. Network Literacy: The New Path to Knowledge [online]. Screen Education, No. 45, 2007: 24-30.

Landow, George P. Hypertext 3.0: Critical Theory and New Media in an Era of Globalization. Baltimore: John Hopkins University Press, 2006. Print. 69-71, 77-85

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