My Hyperlink Journey.
“Find 2-3 ‘stories’, articles or posts online about your area of interest, that have an interactive element – at least some hyperlinks, but hopefully more than that. This can be anything; news articles, twitter threads, fiction, forums – anything that helps you engage more deeply with your topic – let’s call it ‘research’. For each story, follow as many links as you can, and see where you end up.”
For this task, I decided to record my screen to track my journey. I decided to go about this as naturally as possible. Starting on a website like Salon that I naturally go to every day. I tried to keep going until I ended up at a site with a minimum of further links or media to continue on to.
In short my journey goes as follows
Google (my home page) -> Salon ->Politics page of Salon ->Megyn Kellys Twitter ->Hillary Clintons Twitter ->Hamilton The Musicals Twitter ->Amy Schumer article on entertainment weekly ->Non Stop song on Youtube ->Dave Chapelle Interview on ->Youtube -> education page of Youtube ->Buzzfeed video page ->True Crime Youtube Video -> Smithsonian web page ->Slavery Museum Webpage ->Whitney Plantation bio page
How I view content on the internet is all fairly linear. I start out on a website I am an active viewer of – generally a news site. After clicking on an article I generally want click on links the article has provided to add context to what is bein said. The only truly ‘random’ or ‘non-linear’ parts of my journey was the Dave Chappelle interview and that was only a link provided based on my previous searches and viewing patterns on YOUTUBE.