PB3 So Far: After the Interview

PB3 So Far: After the Interview

Yesterday I filmed my initial interview with my subject, Conor. The interview lasted about 25 minutes and I am very pleased with the amount of content I have to work with. Conor answered all of my questions in great detail with enthusiasm and was more than happy to answer all of my follow ups. I am happy I picked a friend who I was comfortable with as I am very much a beginner when it comes to all of this, especially the tech part. My biggest problem when I started viewing my footage at home was realizing just how dark the footage was – It didn’t seem as dark when I was in the room as well noticing some of it wasn’t as in focus as it should have been – which really affected the quality of the video. I have now learned to check and test run all of this before I start filming – I didn’t have much time to do set up at my interviewee was limited on time. I ended up watching a few tutorials on fixing the lighting on Premiere and it seems to have fixed the issue for the most part.

I am now starting to look for different pieces of found footage that would go with the overall theme of this portrait. As well as planning other times to film some b-roll of Conor!

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