Tagged: atthemovies


I really really liked the symposium. It was less like a lecture and more like a conversation, each panelist offering slightly different thoughts but also differing ways of expressing themselves. Some formal, some more relaxed. I’m sure everyone has there prefered speaker. Shout out to Jasmine – I’m a fan.

I enjoyed it.

The symposium style seemed widely accepted by others in my class too. Adrian should be happy.

I always thought At the Movies should be a symposium. I couldn’t work out why they got two “old” people to review the latest films. Of course they wouldn’t like Jennifer Anniston’s latest movie. What they need is two young people, to give a well rounded review, one that might actually like that kind of humour. Now as an “adult” and film scholar myself (not really – just another first year media student) I see that Margret and David are very credible reviewers. And that the Jennifer Anniston film was probably shit.

Still it may have made for interesting television.